Monday, June 13, 2005

On Modest Mouse

Monday. Another day of fun at work, which is why I guess that I'm posting to this blog. Music listened to on the way to work: Death Cab for Cutie. I checked them out since they were recommended if you liked bands such as Modest Mouse and Built to Spill. I can see the resemblance. I wasn't completely won over on the first listen, but the first five songs didn't play on my iPod so I couldn't get a full taste. This has happened before with other files. I must figure out the root of the problem before more annoyance occurs.

Lampside Briefcase asked what the deal was with Modest Mouse. I don't know. I just like them a lot. I first heard of MM when I was listening to the local college radio station and heard a song that I liked so much I pulled over and called the station to ask who it was. The DJ told me that the song was Cat Faces by Ugly Casanova. Apparently Ugly Casanova was a side project from Isaac Brock of Modest Mouse. At the time I had never heard of either band. I quickly requisitioned some Ugly Casanova to get a fuller perspective. Cat Faces remains as one of my favorite songs to this day, although I can't really explain why. Hotcha Girls is another good song.

Anyway, fast-forward a couple of years when an underground band named Modest Mouse broke onto the commercial airwaves with a single titled Float On. I liked the song and remembered the Ugly Casanova connection. Like many other bandwagoneers, I acquired the whole album (Good News for People Who Love Bad News) so I could hear more. I have heard warnings that MM can be an acquired taste, and I can certainly see that, but I was enamored immediately. The style is hard to pin down. Isaac's vocal style is definitely unique. An introspective melody can be quickly followed by outright screaming. Those who bought Good News expecting a pop album were probably disappointed.

Once I started really digging Good News I needed to hear more of MM right away. So very shortly after (like two days) I obtained another MM album The Moon & Antarctica. Reviewers had said that this one was better, and I have to admit I agree. Not to knock Good News, but I like this one more. I love the song Paper Thin Walls. Good stuff.

So, what is the deal? I don't know. I just dig 'em. Lyrically they're brilliant, and musically they're different. I have acquired several other MM albums and enjoy those as well, but I am sticking with Moon as my favorite at this point in time. But that, like everything else, is subject to change. Tomorrow I might be lauding the musical greatness of Rick Astley...


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