Thursday, June 16, 2005

On Being Super Awesome

Thursday. Today is website day, the most exciting day of my week. Today I get to compile all of the information I've collected over the past week, put it into one giant access database file and upload it into a receivables website utilized by our biggest customer. Awesome. It is just as mind-splittingly dull as everything else, but it is something new, the process's tendency to produce errors keeps me on my toes, and keeping busy makes the day go by relatively more quickly. Today's music selection for the drive in: Modest Mouse's Sad Sappy Sucker. I like this one. It's no Moon & Antarctica (see previous post "On Modest Mouse"), but I still like it all the same.

Every day as I come into work people ask "How's it going, darthjohn42?" I always reply with exuberance "Super awesome!" I have done this every morning without fail. This has resulted into an almost mocking joke, "you doing super awesome today, darthjohn42?" In which I always reply in the affirmative. Every once in awhile someone will ask me if I really am doing super awesome. I tell them I think people would rather hear me say something positive (even something as ridiculous as "super awesome") every morning than to provide them with an in-depth laundry list of all of my daily petty annoyances (that is what this blog is for). "How is your morning going, darthjohn42?" "Well, let me tell ya. I woke up late, cut myself shaving, spilled coffee on my pants, got stuck behind three traffic accidents on the way in and twisted my ankle on the stairs on the way up just to get to work on time so I can sit on my rear end for 8-9 hours today and stare at my computer slowly going near-sighted and insane from boredom all the while. But don't worry, I plan on getting a nasty paper cut around 10:00 so this all might change." After that, they pretty much agree that they would rather hear "super awesome."


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