Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The Wicked is Diseased and It Ain't All Viral, Could Be Greed and Gluttony Bubblin' Inside You

Tuesday. Sorry for the no post yesterday everyone. I've been super busy here at work lately. My collection numbers dipped last month, so I am really trying to turn things around for this month. Of course, me being out for surgery and the customer changing to a new computer system last month certainly didn't help things, so I definitely have my work cut out for me. Today has gone fairly well, though. Besides the collections work, I did my pre-upload spreadsheet and I am currently reviewing sales orders. I had an hour and a half-long steering committee meeting this morning, which was kind of lame, but besides that, today hasn't been too bad.

Here is part of an email conversation that I had with Lampsidebriefcase yesterday regarding an idea I shared with him and ways to keep people from stealing it:

Lampside: I would suggest using a new email for this otherwise someone may say they own the rights to this idea.

Me: I also need to write down this idea, put it in a sealed envelope and mail it to myself without ever opening it. This is called the "poor man's copyright" since the postmark holds up in court as long as the envelope has never been opened.

Lampside: yeah i have done the poor man's copyright in the past. (Lead singer of Jistoray) did it with tons of his music a few years ago as well. i was thinking to seal my head in an envelope, mail it and just wear the envelope without ever opening it. that way no one would get any of my ideas.

Me: If the envelope is airtight it will keep those ideas fresh as well...

Lampside: great idea. that would be great to go to a meeting to sell your idea with an envelope on your head.

Me: Yeah, you could tell them that your ideas are ready to deliver...

Lampside: yeah i am sure i would be able to deliver my message well in the meeting. however if they do not like my delivery i may go postal on them. i suppose with that display they would need to check the mail and send me back to my return address.

And on it goes... That's been pretty much my work highlight for the past two days. Oh, I have some new music to review. The music fairy has been letting me down lately, so I sought a new venue to relieve my unquenchable thirst for new tunes in which to listen. That new venue? The public library. Yes, I know that sounds nerdy, but the downtown Denver library actually has a decent collection. I put a bunch of CDs on hold and picked up three of them yesterday. Two of the three aren't worth discussing, but I thought the third was worth bringing up. Ever since I saw Dave Chapelle's Block Party (hilarious, btw), I have been interested in checking out a handful of hip-hop acts that played on the soundtrack. One of those groups is The Roots. I couldn't get the music fairy to deliver, but the old DPL had several items in their catalogue so I put them on reserve. Yesterday I picked up The Tipping Point. I thought it was pretty good. I thought the beats were tight and I was very relieved that the lyrics pretty much avoided the cliché gangsta rhymes that went stale about ten years ago but for some reason are still popular. There is still a lot of profanity, so you probably don't want to play this CD around your grandma (or grandkid if that's the case). However, if you are an adult and you like good hip-hop then this album isn't that bad of a listen. I don't think this particular album can compare to some of the other rap releases out there, but it is indeed refreshing to hear a rap group that doesn't need to lean on the gangsta crutch to produce a quality record. I am looking forward to checking out a couple of more albums from The Roots once they come in for me to borrow. In the meantime, I am going to work down Sassinak's list of tunes and see if the music fairy can redeem herself that way. Who is this Xavier Rudd anyway?


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