Monday, October 22, 2007

Well Thanks For the Time, I Needed to Think a Spell

My body may be back at work, but my mind is definitely still here:

More pictures to come once the jet lag wears off and the realization that I have to return to my normal routine sets in...


Blogger Lance said...

Till then

I'm gonna carry you in,
In my head, in my heart in my soul.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007 6:53:00 AM  
Blogger john said...

LSD - Nice... :-)

SLG - I'm starting to come around on the jet lag now. It was only 2 time zones, so probably not near as bad as what you experienced in your travels to Japan. Due to flight delays we didn't get back to the house until 11pm on Sunday, and we both had to get up for work Monday morning. So, yeah, yesterday was really rough trying to adjust back. It was worse traveling to Florida, though, because being two time zones ahead, it was like having to wake up two hours before I normally would every day I was there, not to mention totally throwing off my eating schedule. But it was all totally worth it. We had an incredibly awesome time.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007 3:12:00 PM  

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