Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Talkin' Turkey

Wednesday. It's Thanksgiving Eve! Yeah! The place is dead here today. No one is in, and those who are in aren't very busy. I am creating bill-backs for deductions. It is basically busy work, but it has to be done by the end of the month and I might as well get it done now. Other than that, not much else is going on.

I started out listening to Sketches of Spain by Miles Davis this morning, but ended up having to turn it off after about four tracks so I could hear the traffic report. For some unknown reason as of two days ago the left lane on I-25 heading into Denver has all of a sudden ended without notice. Literally, the lines were repainted overnight to form a merge, yet there is no warning that the lanes are coming together. There used to be a left lane there for years, but now there isn't. And since there is no sign telling us so, people are flying in at 65-70mph only to find out they better get over and soon (and of course no one on the right is going to let any of the lefties in). Needless to say there have been several particularly nasty accidents the past two days heading into work. A guy here who travels the same path said he saw someone take out the concrete barrier this morning. So, I don't want to end up going into a rant here (too late), but seriously somebody in city planning should lose his or her job over this one. Whatever they are doing to the road, they better get it done quickly because I will be seriously fearing for my life if I have to go through this too many more times. Anyway, that's why I don't really have a music review today.

I hope that you all have a very happy Thanksgiving and a good long weekend. See you all when you get back-


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