Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Yeah, They Might Let You Say It, But It’d Take All Day to Explain It

Wednesday. Not much going on today, which is good because I used the morning to finish catching back up on some things I fell behind on due to the Thanksgiving break and my focus on deduction resolutions. Right now I am writing out my end-of-the-month treasury reports, which are a pain to do since you are basically asking the company to borrow money to cover your past-due accounts and explaining why they got so big/old. Hey, I inherited these accounts; I'm not the culprit. Unfortunately I can't really say that to the treasury VP. At least this month I have actually brought in a good chunk of money to pay some of these balances down, so I at least have some good news to share in my reports.

Ok, I know I said a few weeks ago that I was going to learn HTML and radically change the design layout of this site. Well, my plans haven't changed, only postponed for now. I ordered a book that looked pretty good, but unfortunately I haven't had any spare time to sit down and start going through it yet. Between this job, the seasonal tree lot job, and grad school I've had my plate full lately. However, after Xmas the tree lot job will be over and I will have graduated grad school (yeah!). Then I should hopefully have time to finally work on some design code. So, hang in there. It's coming, I promise!

Today I listened to Keep It Like a Secret by Built to Spill. I didn't wake up with anything in particular in my head, and I didn't feel like straining my brain that early in the morning trying to decide what to pick. Since I love this album and I haven't heard it in a while, I chose this one. I've reviewed it before, so I'm not going to retread. However, as far as how awesome this album is, I won't Keep It Like a Secret. Check it out!


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