Monday, December 19, 2005

Everything That Keeps Me Together is Falling Apart

Monday. I'm back from Ohio despite all odds. I won't go into details, but I'm sure you all can figure out what happens when you mix airports with snowstorms. It is almost surreal being back at work. A co-worker's dog apparently died yesterday, so there was a lot of hugging and shed tears over that this morning. I was gone for three days on bereavement leave for my grandmother's funeral, and no one has even said a word to me about it. Honestly, I rather they didn't, so I can just carry on and get back into my normal groove, but I can't help but notice when three grown women will cry over the loss of a dog two feet from my desk yet not even offer me a "welcome back."

Anyway, I am trying to catch up on work stuff today from being out. Most of my order approvals had been forwarded to my back-ups, so I am ok there, but apparently the website did not upload correctly while I was gone (and this is after they called me two times the morning of the funeral to have me walk them through the steps once again). Seriously, since joining this division a little over a year ago I've taken off two Thursdays and both times they have called me on my cell phone because the website didn't run correctly. Maybe I can use this as a bargaining chip during my next review.

Other than that, I am starting to freak out about grad school. I only have two papers left to write and then I will be done with grad school forever. I am way behind, and even with the extensions that my professors so kindly gave me due to my circumstances, I have a lot of work to get done. Anyone out there freelance?

I listened to that Modest Mousterpiece The Moon & Antarctica on the way in to work today. I really needed some MM after the past few days. Since I've reviewed Moon about a hundred times on this blog before, and I've pretty much depressed anyone who has stuck with this post up to this point, I will end now.


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