Monday, December 05, 2005

I Guess I Gotta Crawl Out, But It Sure Beats the Alternative

Monday. I worked on my weekly report tracking the items dropped from the website this morning, and now I am trying to work on order approvals. I have a bunch of other stuff to get done (like collections), but I keep getting hung up on other things that keep popping up. Fun times.

I am super tired today. I worked 7 hours on Saturday and 9 hours yesterday on the tree lot and I am totally wiped out. However, for some reason, despite my complete exhaustion, I had trouble sleeping. Is it possible to be too exhausted to sleep? I made some decent tips, though, so that was pretty cool. I am starting to get the hang of this whole tree thing. I can pretty much recognize my tree varieties by sight, and I am getting pretty good at answering the wacky tree questions that people throw out at me. The downside is that it is freakin' cold out there, and supposedly getting even colder this week. However, despite the elements and the brutally physical demands I've actually found myself having some fun out there. Not enough to quit my desk job; mind you, but enough to make it to the end of the season.

This morning I listened to Footprints by Jistoray. Who is Jistoray? Well, I'm glad I asked for you. Jistoray is an up-and-coming band native to the Minnesota Twin Cities area. Their sound is hard to pin down. I would say that they are an acoustic group, but that sounds like a bunch of wussy guys sitting on stools and strumming while Jistoray rocks out. I would say that they are similar to the DMB, but they really aren't at all and plus I don't really care for the DMB (yes, I know I just angered millions of females out there). I tell you what. Why don't you just visit their home page and pick up one of their albums? You can buy one online, that's how I got mine. My favorite song is the title track, but they're all good. For more Jistoray info beyond their website, check out some of the pics lampsidebriefcase has here (scroll down a bit)and here of the Music Midtown show in Atlanta.


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