Wednesday, May 24, 2006

You Have to See This Through, There’s No One Here But You

Wednesday. I've had better days. Sure, I've had worse days, but really I wouldn't mind having one of those better days right about now. I won't bother giving you a laundry list of today's grievances, but let's just say that the ball hasn't exactly been bouncing in my direction today. I will share the following, though. The Big Boss Lady was in town. We had a big long talk about accounts, business, and things just in general. All of her comments regarding my accounts or the job I am doing was positive, so nothing to tell there. I have my annual review coming up next month, so I tried to prime her up and to get an advance feel of how it is going to go. You see, ever since one of the financial managers mysteriously disappeared off of our payroll without word or warning last February I have been bucking for a promotion. I have been busting my tail off since the beginning of the year significantly bringing my account balances down, working on special projects, flying around the country, attending conferences, giving presentations, and doing whatever else I could do to put myself in the best light possible to demonstrate that I am ready for these new responsibilities. All during this time I have been doing these things with the understanding that these are the things that I had to do to get this promotion. I mean, this is basically what the Big Boss Lady had been telling me and hinting at since January, even before the financial manager disappeared. However, after speaking with her today I got the very strong feeling that this promotion was not going to happen after all, at least not any time soon. She pretty much took a reverse tack of what she had been saying all spring. So right now I am kind of feeling used. I tell you what, I didn't rack up a second mortgage in school loans getting a graduate degree in business just to languish in the stagnant waters of the bottom rung. I know my value in the job market and if this company is not going to at least recognize me via title and compensation for the job I do, I will be more than happy to do it elsewhere. I know I am a bit heated right now, but seriously, why show loyalty to a company that does not show loyalty to its own employees? When it all comes down to it, I have to look out for me and my own since it is obvious no one else is going to.

All that being said, the guy who I've been helping out in Texas offered me a job in Houston today. It would be a significant pay increase, but I have to say that there would never be a pay increase significant enough to get me to move to Texas (he did also offer me a company car, though). Sorry to any Texans out there, but let's just say that Texas would probably welcome me as much as I would welcome a move to Texas. It takes a certain kind of person to live there, and that person is not I. I don't want to mess with Texas, I am perfectly happy to leave it completely alone.

I have some new music to discuss today. A little while back I heard a female vocalist on the radio who piqued my interest. After a little research I discovered that the female vocalist in question is an artist by the name of Brandi Carlile. Yes, that is Brandi with an "i." Now, I'm sorry to all of the Brandis (or Brandys) out there, but I find it very hard to take someone with the name of "Brandi" seriously when it comes to music. I mean, Brandi sounds too much like "Brittany" or "Tiffany." In fact wasn't there already a pop singer named Brandy? And Brandi spelled with an "i"? That definitely seems a bit teenybopper to me. I have a vision of a big bubbly signature with a heart or a smiley face used to dot the I. She should seriously consider going by "Brandice" or some other more formal name instead. I do think that "Balinda" Carlile has already been taken, though, so if that one was on the list she might want to cross it off.

Of course, I shouldn't stereotype just based off of a name. I mean, not everyone can be a "john" (just those in the vicinity of Colfax Avenue in Denver who have $50 in cash on their person...). And truth be told, this eponymous album isn't that bad. Brandi, you're a fine girl. Ms. Carlile's voice has a mellow, folksy feel that is quite accessible. The mood on the album helped me try to maintain my inner calm as I sat behind a bad traffic accident for an extra half hour this morning (did I mention that today has not gone well?). I don't know of a good comparison, but I am willing to bet that those who like Bonnie Raitt, Cat Power and Feist would mostly likely enjoy Brandi Carlile since she seemed to me to be a mixture of all three. I liked Brandi Carlile and would suggest picking it up if you are into the whole "mellow, folksy female vocalist" genre. Recommended tracks: What Can I Say and Throw it All Away.


Blogger john said...

You're tellin' me...

Trust me, I left out a large part of the story. This particular situation is just the latest in a large stack of empty promises and false allusions. I know that if I was just expecting this out of the blue then it would be my own fault for day dreaming. However, since the day she hired me the Big Boss Lady said I would get to that level in "12-18 months." Well, it has been long past 18 months and still nothing. To pour some more salt on it, a while back she hired a college graduate with no full-time experience in any field whatsoever for a position higher than me, while I have years of industry experience and a graduate degree but keep getting strung along. I know nothing's fair in business, but man, that really stings.

Sorry, I'm still a little frustrated. Can you tell? ;-)

Thursday, May 25, 2006 12:15:00 PM  
Blogger Lance said...

I've got to tell you the whole no promotion thing doesn't surprise me in the least. I don't know why other than in my limited experience with large corporations I've found those in charge to be more or less complete assholes. The higher up the latter, the bigger the asshole. Why? Because for the most part they are willing to step on just about anyone to promote themselves. Sorry Big Boss Lady. I think you probably apply. You might even take it as a compliment. John, just keep working hard. Sooner or later all of it will pay off. I'm not sure how, but I know laziness and apathy never really got anyone anywhere in life.

Thanks for Brandi. As I am a big fan of the lazy female folk voice, I'll be checking her out this afternoon.

Thursday, May 25, 2006 12:52:00 PM  
Blogger john said...

The thing is, LSD, that for the most part the Big Boss Lady is all right. Trust me, I've worked for plenty of a-hole bosses in my day, and relative to those jerks, she's not that bad. This issue however is really washing out all of her good points right now for me. I am hoping she redeems herself soon, otherwise my overall opinion is quickly headed south.

Please let me know what you think of Brandi. Hopefully the album's production values aren't too high for you. I know your affinity for the lo-fi recording...

Friday, May 26, 2006 7:39:00 AM  

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