Tuesday, May 09, 2006

All I Can Be Is a Busy Sea of Spinning Wheels and Hands that Feel for Stones to Throw

Tuesday. Today has been a pretty steady day for me. It hasn't been too busy, nor too slow. It was just right. Ok, now I feel like Goldilocks. You know, a nap in Baby Bear's bed actually doesn't sound so bad right about now...

I spend most of the day working in spreadsheets. I tracked a bunch of vendor payments, and then I put together my pre-upload spreadsheet. I have also been playing around in the customer's new A/R website, since I will need to have working knowledge of how to use this thing since they closed down their old website and I need to know how to get certain information for our website to be correct. Plus, no one else around here knows how to use their site, so having the only working knowledge in the company of how it operates (and learning it on my own volition, nonetheless) can't be too bad a thing, either.

Upon Sweet Li’l Gal's advice, I checked out another Wilco album today, Yankee Hotel Foxtrot. This album title refers to either three armed services radio call letters, or to a certain kind of dance step founded in a Northern US lodging establishment. I have yet to figure that one out yet.

I am in full agreement with SLG that this album is superior to A.M. However, I must admit I was skeptical at first. The first few tunes were similar to yesterday's experience: ok tracks, but not exactly mind-blowingly awesome or anything. However, it started to really pick up after about the third song. In fact, a few of the tracks sounded downright poppy, especially Heavy Metal Drummer, which I recognized from the local college radio station. I also enjoyed I'm the Man Who Loves You and Jesus, Etc.

I'm sure that hardcore Wilco fans out there would accuse me of picking out the obvious "single" tunes and ignoring the band's greater works of genius on the album. They probably have a point. However, I am going off first impressions here, and I have to be honest about what I hear and how I hear it. I'll be listening to this album again. There's some good stuff on here. Perhaps I'll begin to appreciate the rest a little bit more along the way.


Blogger Lisa V said...

My favourite songs on the album are the ones that took the longest to grow on me... and man, they last.

I love Ashes of American Flags ("All my lies are only wishes, I know I would die if I could come back new"), Radio Cure ("distance has no way of making love understandable"), and especially Poor Places ("his jaw's been broken, his bandage is wrapped too tight, his fangs have been pulled and I really want to see you tonight..."). I think this is a desert island disk for me. It took a while for me to really get it, but once I did, it's a go-to disk for just about any mood...

Tuesday, May 09, 2006 4:19:00 PM  
Blogger Lisa V said...

Hey, you know you might like a band called Crooked Fingers... Check out the song "Under Sad Stars" or "She spread her legs and flew away". It's the singer from the 90s band Archers of Loaf (indie)... his voice is distinctive, but you might like it?

Tuesday, May 09, 2006 4:22:00 PM  
Blogger john said...

Hey SLG-

I liked Ashes of American Flags. I didn't really care for Radio Cure on the first go around, though. The album for me really started picking up around the 4th or 5th track. I'm sure that opinion will probably change in time. It was just my first listen.

I've heard of Archers of Loaf, but not Crooked Fingers. I'll be sure to check them out. The thing about distinctive voices is that they either hit you just right or they completely turn you off. I guess you never can tell until you give them a shot, though...

Tuesday, May 09, 2006 7:48:00 PM  

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