Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Only 24 Hours in a Day and Only 12 Notes a Man Can Play

Tuesday. Today is supposed to be the longest day of the year. I am going to bet it will still be 24 hours, though. Which makes me wonder, isn't the longest day of the year the day we move the clocks back? I mean, technically that day has 25 hours in it since you repeat an hour. Or does the repeated hour cancel out the first one? Does that mean that whatever you did during that hour didn't really happen? I bet that gets really confusing during police investigations. Where were you at 2:14 am last Sunday night? I don't know, which 2:14 do you mean? I wonder if that holds up in court. Your honor, there is no way my client could have committed that crime at 2:14am. At 2:14 he was an hour away from the scene of the crime...

Usually right after lunch every day seems like the longest day to me, but that is a different topic I think.

Today's musical selection: Beastie Boys To the 5 Boroughs. This is their latest album. It is good, but it is no Paul's Boutique. At first I thought it was To the 5 Burros, which made me wonder why they were singing to a group of donkeys. Then I thought it was to the 5 Bureaus, and I thought they were singing to some government agencies or something. By the way, it’s not “burrows,” either, so they weren’t giving props to the homes of a gopher community. I guess it’s a salute to NYC or something and they are from there, I guess. Funny, I never picked that up from any of their other albums.


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