Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Cooling All the Blood to Slush That Congeals Around the Brain

Tuesday. This is supposed to be a spreadsheet day, but the extraction file that is supposed to pull down my data didn't run last night, so I have nothing to work with. So, until they can get that job run, I am left with nothing to do except to continue logging the vendor database. Tons of fun.

Today I selected Franz Ferdinand to listen to on the drive in. I figured I better review a newer group before I lost the attention of the coveted younger demographic. Anyway, if you don't know, Franz Ferdinand is the hottest thing to come out of Scotland since The Bay City Rollers. I first began listening to Franz Ferdinand for two reasons: First, as a history enthusiast I couldn't help but notice a band who shares the same name as this guy. (Would I buy an album just because of the band name? Well... in the case of this band, yes.) And while this Franz Ferdinand may not be starting another World War, they have been linked to the Sony payola scandal. Sure, some rock bands are mired in controversies such as substance abuse and hotel property damage, but pay-for-play? That's hardcore, man. On a side note, DJs were also paid under the table to play Britney Spears and Jennifer Lopez. I knew there had to be a conspiracy there. No one is really buying those records, are they? Eck.

The second reason I found myself possessing the Franz Ferdinand album is because I thought Take Me Out was a catchy single (little did I know then I was just a pawn in Sony's game of airwave domination). There was a lot of buzz about this album and I was looking for something new and fresh, so I procured a copy. These guys are pretty straightforward rock with no fancy samples or electronica added to the mix. The album is tight, though I feel some tracks are stronger than others. If I had any complaints, I would say that the song lyrics are lacking. A band can be good just on music alone, but one must master word craft if one plans on entering the higher echelon of darthjohn42's top music picks. So, all that being said, the album is pretty good, but not as good as say... The Moon and Antarctica by Modest Mouse (like you weren't expecting me to say that?)


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