Thursday, February 23, 2006

Maybe it’s a False Alarm and All the Answers Sound the Same; Just Colors Bleeding into One that Doesn’t Have a Name

Thursday. It has been a busy day here. Since it really is Thursday today, I uploaded the receivables website which took up most of the morning. The rest of the day has been dedicated to doing odds and ends like following up on collections and approving large orders.

This morning I listened to Eye to the Telescope by K.T. Tunstall. She currently has a single out Black Horse & the Cherry Tree that has been getting continual rotation on the radio lately. This whole album has been getting a lot of buzz lately so I wanted to find out if it lived up to all of its hype.

Well, I'll first say that I think it's a decent album. It was definitely listenable and I enjoyed it. However, for all of the word-of-mouth that's been going around I really expected something phenomenal. Personally, I didn't hear anything earth shattering that changed the way I listened to music or anything. I feel a bit let down. As I said, don't get me wrong, the album is good but it just isn't great. I'm sure a lot of folks out there would disagree with me, but that's just my first impression.

Notable tracks on the album include False Alarm and Suddenly I See. If you already have Let it Die by Feist, then go ahead and pick this one up. If not, I say go with Feist first.


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