Monday, February 13, 2006

Stuck in a World of Isolation While the Ivy Grows Over the Door

Monday. Not much happening today. I spent the morning working on my post-upload spreadsheet report. After that I had my monthly account review with the Big Boss Lady, which went pretty well. I am currently approving large vendor orders and fighting for consciousness.

I listened to The Division Bell by Pink Floyd on the way to work this morning. I know that's not exactly new and exciting music to review, but my brain was definitely telling me it was a Pink Floyd morning when I woke up. There are some dissenters of this album, since this is a David Gilmour-led Floyd, but I think it is pretty good. Sure, the band lost a lot of their edginess when Roger Waters left, but they still retained a deep, thematic sound and quality. This album centers on the theme of communication. When it came out, some contended that it was Gilmour's way of reaching out to Waters and asking him to bury the hatchet. Gilmour denied it (yeah, right. Listen to Lost for Words and tell me that's not what it's really about...), and Waters said that it didn't matter either way and that he still had some pretty ill feelings towards Mr. Gilmour. The silence between the two continued for another decade until just very recently they shared a stage together for Live Eight. Now that would have been something to see, for sure.

While The Division Bell is no Dark Side of the Moon, it is definitely a quality release in the Pink Floyd catalogue. For those who prefer the mellower, David Gilmour-era Pink Floyd, then this album is for you. It is thematic without being brazen and it is expressive while remaining still remaining assessable. Recommended tracks include: Lost for Words, Take it Back, and High Hopes.


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