Monday, February 06, 2006

The Plan Means Nothing Stays the Same

Monday. Well everyone, the long-promised changes are finally here. Welcome to those of you who were magically transported from the old site. Welcome to those of you who stumbled in here on accident as well. Faithful readers will know that I had been promising change on the old site for like 3 months now but they had never become visibly evident. Well, I finally took some time over the weekend to redesign the format using some of the html skills I resolved on New Year's to learn. I don't think it turned out too badly for an amateur. I have to admit that I didn't write the code 100% from scratch, though. It is mostly my code, but I used one of the blogger templates as a basis for css structure. Otherwise, the layout is all mine. I was shooting for juxtaposition between the two major themes of the blog: work and music. What do you all think?
So, why the address change? Well, there were several reasons I decided to move the blog to a new URL. First, the title of the blog "Inaction in Action" didn't match the old URL. So, I changed it to correctly reflect the blog title to avoid any confusion. Also, I changed my user name. This was tough for me to do since I have been darthjohn42 or some variation thereof for about 10 years now, but I think it was time for a new name. Despite my love for Star Wars, this blog is rarely ever about that cinematic great. Also, I was told that it was hard to take a user name like "darthjohn" seriously. I am trying move forward, and I have to agree that "darthjohn" does sound a bit infantile. Finally, there was that whole imposter thing going on, so I wanted to re-brand myself with something more original. Coming up with a new name, however, was much harder than I expected. After going back and forth with about 3-4 different IDs, I finally settled on "inatorpor42." Basically, that means "in a torpor," with torpor being defined as "a state of mental and motor inactivity with partial or total insensibility: extreme sluggishness or stagnation of function." I think that pretty much describes me at work. If you don't know what 42 means, then you should definitely read this book.

Before I forget, congratulations to billydwilson's Pittsburgh Steelers, who won Super Bowl XL last night. The game was probably a let down after playing the mighty Denver Broncos in the AFC championship game, but they seemed to be coping ok.

That's about it. Oh, I have a couple of spreadsheets to do today and then I am going to work on some collections maybe. I listened to Built to Spill's Keep it Like a Secret on the way in this morning, but I've reviewed BtS lots of times so I am just going to stop now. Please comment on what you think of the changes!


Blogger Lance said...

I like the changes. I've been fucking around with my site lately as well. The yellow text on mustard background is a little hard on the eyes though. I really dig the sheet music backdrop. Good name change too though I would have been hard pressed to give up the old one.

Monday, February 06, 2006 12:53:00 PM  
Blogger john said...

Thanks, LSD. I wanted the writing to be green, not yellow, on the gold background, but the color is determined by the code for links. If I went with green, then all the links within the text would be green and would get lost in the green background. I had to come up with a color that someone could read on both a green and gold background. I tried all kinds of combinations and this is the only one that I could find that would go with both. I'll keep looking, though, because I definitely agree with you.

Monday, February 06, 2006 2:13:00 PM  
Blogger john said...

Ok, Billy, why don't you say what you really mean: stop writing all of these long-winded diatribes that are so verbose they make my mouse finger cramp as I skim through them...

Just kidding. I did try to widen out the text field, but it kept wacking everything else out of place. If I added more pixels, the side bar would end up on the bottom, etc. I agree with you, though, and I'll keep playing with it until I can get it right. Thanks for the suggestion.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006 7:25:00 AM  

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