Monday, August 29, 2005

Best Not Talk Too Loud, You're Not as Smart as You Require of Them

Monday. Not much going on today. Another day (and week) at work. I am posting late today because I was hoping that I would eventually come up with something to post. Unfortunately, that did not happen. Sure, I could talk all about how I listened to Built to Spill's phenomenal album Keep it Like a Secret, but I have mentioned BtS several times before on this site so I think my views are known there. Is the day going just so super awesome that I have nothing to rant about? Well, no, not really. Sure, nothing too bad has happened today, but I didn't exactly find a wad of unmarked bills in my car seat this morning, either. I did read a good interview with Brett Easton Ellis regarding his new book Lunar Park over the weekend. I am a big fan, so I am very pumped to read his new book. I would tell you all about Mr. Ellis, but I am going to assume that you are all weary of hearing about that as well.

Things I'd rather be doing right now:

Training muskrats for a circus sideshow
Ironing my pants while still in them
Giving my cat a bath
Reading War and Peace (seriously, I've always wanted to just to say I did it)
Cutting my grass with a pair of child's safety scissors
Watching 5 solid minutes of any Paulie Shore movie. Ok, ok, I’m not that desperate…


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