Friday, November 04, 2005

My Brain is Hangin' Upsidedown

Friday. Yeah! I have been busy today. I had a long teleconference meeting today regarding summary billings and deductions (yep, just about as exciting as it sounds) along with my usual Friday spreadsheet report. Along with that, we had a big potluck for lunch so I am totally stuffed. All of the blood from my head has rushed into my stomach making me incredibly tired and unable to concentrate. Factor in that it's Friday afternoon and I'm pretty much done for the day.

I listened to some perfect Friday music today, The Ramones. These guys totally rock (as I’ve previously mentioned here). I have been a big fan of the Ramones since about junior high. I remember trying to figure out the lyrics to Blitzkrieg Bop with my friend Brandon (what are they doing in the backseat?) and my other friend Mark's goal of growing his hair out like Joey Ramone so he could completely cover his face in class and sleep. Ahhh... those were the days. You know I recently saw a picture of Jennifer Garner wearing a Ramones T-shirt. At first, I was like "that's pretty cool" but after thinking about it, I wondered if that was really her shirt. Or perhaps she was just wearing it to get that chic retro-look so popular with the Hollywood crowd these days. I guess we'll find out if she stars in the sequel to this movie(or maybe even this one).


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