Monday, July 17, 2006

How Many Called, Called My Name; I’m Tryin’ to Explain, that I’m Not the Same

Monday. Well, readers, I'm back at work after the long time off. I expected to be crazy slammed busy with stuff to do when I got back, but actually things weren't too bad. Don't get me wrong; I had an email inbox overflowing with things to take care of, but nothing insanely insurmountable to conquer in the next few days.

Sorry I didn't get another post off last week regarding my recovery. After I got my splints taken out of my nose, things started getting a whole lot better. I could instantly tell an improvement in my ability to breathe and I started to look a whole lot better without a bunch of stitches and bandages on my face. The bruises around my eyes healed up enough to actually go out in public by Friday, and I was able to go out and enjoy a fabulously beautiful weekend here in Colorado. I don't know how the weather has been in your respective parts of the world, but here it has been sunny and around 100 degrees F. We headed up into the mountains to cool off a bit and took a nice little day hike around Sprague Lake in Rocky Mountain National Park. Here are a few pics from that venture:

So, I had no idea how things would be returning to work. After seeing how bad I looked the day after the surgery I figured there would be no way I would be ready to go back to work in time. However, I ended up healing quite quickly externally, so I didn't have to come in all raccoon-eyed for everyone. For the most part I look ok, however, I am still a bit swollen and my right eye still has a red spot on it from when a capillary burst or something. Other than that, not too bad. Internally, however, I still have a bit of healing to do. My nose itself is still very tender and I can tell it is still swollen on the inside as well. I was still feeling a bit blocked up even after the splints came out, but every day I am getting more and more able to breathe through my nose as more gunk is kicking loose and coming out. Already, though, I am totally convinced this whole process was worth it. Hey, just the fact that I can pull any air whatsoever through my nose right now is nothing short of a miracle. Breathing and smelling and stuff is definitely pretty cool.

Well, I had planned to do a discussion of the New York Dolls today per an excellent recommendation from Kat, however I am unfortunately running out of time. I guess I spoke to soon about that "not being too busy" thing. So, I am going to postpone the music discussion portion of this post until tomorrow. Catch ya then...


Blogger sassinak said...

hey dude congrats on smelling and the straight nose... also you have a lovely line of your back.

anyway nice to see you back around these parts and glad to hear work wasn't too nuts.

also? now you don't need the place you work so much...

Tuesday, July 18, 2006 3:20:00 PM  
Blogger john said...


Thanks, Sass. And can you believe? Never one pilates class... ;-)

I'm actually glad to be back to the regular schedule. Don't get me wrong, hanging out at home was definitely pretty cool, but I like to be out and doing things as well, even if it does mean going to work.

Yeah, now that the surgery is over I don't have to worry about that any longer. I'm going to stick around for now, though, with an eye open just in case something really good comes along. Otherwise I'm in no rush to jump ship at the moment. Well, at least until the next thing that ticks me off comes up...

Wednesday, July 19, 2006 7:28:00 AM  

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