Friday, July 08, 2005

You should sleep late it's much easier on your constitution...

Friday. Well, so far today hasn't been exactly a spectacular day. First off, I woke up late (which I am lucky I woke up at all because my alarm wasn't set). I was able to make up some of the time by expediting my morning routine; however, my problems were only exacerbated more by the need to put gas in my car, which put me even more behind schedule. I knew I was going to need something good to listen to if I was going to turn this trend around, so I pulled out the heavy guns and chose Paul's Boutique by the Beastie Boys. In my opinion this is easily their best album and never fails to lift my spirits. A friend of mine in college once said that if you are at a lame party and need to get it going play either Low Rider by War or Paul's Boutique and you will instantly get it hopping. I don't know if there is any scientific data to back up this assertion, but from my own personal experiences, I would have to concur. There are a lot of good songs on this album, and when I first procured this disc I was enamored by such cuts as Egg Man, Sounds of Science and Shake Your Rump. However, on subsequent listens I began to appreciate some of the other lesser-known tracks. One in particular is a tune by the name of Car Thief. I read somewhere once that this was the first song the B-Boys wrote after the release of License to Ill. I find this odd since both lyrically and musically this song is nothing like anything on Licensed to Ill. Of course, that's the theory of why the B-Boy's best album is the least commercially successful. People wanted the funny irreverence of Licensed to Ill, not actual well-produced music (the Dust Brothers did Paul's Boutique long before hooking up with Beck).

Anyway, the power of the B-Boys and a lot of luck with traffic allowed me to make it to work with minutes to spare. Whew. Would darthjohn42's day get any better now? Well, it hasn't gotten significantly worse, but I haven't exactly won the lotto, either. I got slammed with a project right away on top of my other project I have to run every Friday, but considering my sheer amount of boredom around here I was actually happy to do something new, despite the level of suckness that came with it. Plus, there's still half the day left (is it half over, or half-begun?) so who knows what will happen. One thing for sure, though, is the good luck I had driving in will definitely pay me back kharmically on the way home. Friday traffic is always terrible since everyone is heading out of the city to go commune in the mountains or something. I need to buy a helicopter and then I could avoid all this hassle. Anyone want to help me out with that?


Blogger john said...

Yeah, I priced some whirly birds myself and found one for roughly the same amount of my house mortgage. This might work if I can convince the rest of the family to live in a helicopter cockpit for the next couple of years or so...

Oh, and I did hear about the Floyd reunion. They got together for the Live 8 concert (though I missed the show) and hopefully this means they'll bury the hatchet long enough to put together a tour. Unless this can be seen as a sign of the apocalypse and the whole world ends before it can happen...

Monday, July 11, 2005 3:48:00 PM  

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