Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Clinging Still, Against My Will, to Promises of Clearer Days

Wednesday. Today I am working on order approvals and making changes to my list of items scheduled for tomorrow's website upload. Tons of fun.

Ok, I'm annoyed right now. You see I like to read on my lunch breaks. First, I like to read books. Second, I don't go out to lunch, so by reading said books I can whisk my mind away from my boring job for at least an hour without actually having to go anywhere. It sounds corny, but it is my little escape from the monotony of the day. This is my time. I don't want to talk shop, or deal with business, or do anything else except eat my lunch and read. Most people respect this desire and leave me alone. However, there is a new hire who has been here about a month now that apparently has a huge phobia of either silence, not moving her mouth, or both. It is usually ok if someone else is in the break room, because I can usually tune them both out when she traps them into some inane conversation. However, on occasion it happens that we two are alone in the break room and she won't leave me alone. Hello? What part of nose-in-a-book do you not understand? I don't want to be rude, but please just leave me alone. I mean the conversations aren't even good. Instead of tolerable subjects like what book am I reading, what do I think about some current event, why did Vader not sense a disturbance in the force when he used the torture probe on Princess Leia, etc., it is either completely shallow small talk or something completely off-the-wall like "how would you describe the taste of cilantro?" I'm not joking, I just put up with at least a half hour of "supposedly it is in the parsley family, but I think it is a mint, however, it isn't sweet like a mint but it isn't bitter, either. It must be a combination of several of the four tastes because I wouldn't place it as salty like other herbs and if everything is only one of the four tastes than everything would taste the same and there wouldn't be any variety but cilantro is so dominant over the other tastes in a salad but it goes so well with so many things..." Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz......Listen lady, leave me alone! I'm sorry that you lead such a lonely miserable existence that you can't sit alone for 5 minutes without sucking someone into your void, but I have my own miserable experience at work I am trying to deal with thank you very much. So please let me get back to my book, I have only 60 pages left out of 700 and I really wanted to finish this thing up.

No, I sat there and played the nice guy and talked to her about the subtle tastes of cilantro, beets, and bitter-tasting lettuce and got maybe 5 pages read when she finally went back to work. Hey, I'm not a misanthrope; I just want to be left alone on my lunch break. Is that so wrong?

Sorry about all of that, I just had to vent. Anyway, I listened to Round Room by Phish today. Yes, I am a Phish fan. No, I don't consider myself a hippy. I have short hair, I'm clean-shaven, employed, and I shower daily. Well, ok, maybe I miss an occasional weekend day, but for the most part I practice good personal hygiene. I didn't like Phish at first, but they kind of grew on me and now I have a good number of their albums. Today was the first time I ever listened to Round Room. Unfortunately, I was disappointed. This album was recorded in four days and sought to capture the energy and spontaneity of a live performance. I think it fell a little flat, personally. Nothing really grabbed me on the first listen, not even the improvisational expositions they are known so well for. It wasn't all bad, but there is just much better Phish out there. If you want to hear a CD that captures what Phish sounds like live, buy Live Phish instead.


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